Hill Sprints and Running Economy: Review (Part 2)
As promised for this week's post -- more on hill sprint training and its potential to improve running economy. Below I have included tid-bits from my review of literature. Yes, the text may be a bit redundant, especially if you read last week's post, but that is the nature of a proposal. I hope this information allows us all to further evaluate the training's potential. Chapter 2 Review of Literature Introduction ...Research has shown running economy (RE) to be a critical factor in determining distance running performance in highly trained runners. ( J. T. Daniels, 1985 ; Midgley et al., 2007 ; Noakes, 1988 ; Spurrs et al., 2003 ) . Further, research shows running economy can be improved with traditional heavy-weight resistance training and/or plyometric training ( Jung, 2003 ; McCann & Higginson, 2008 ; Midgley et al., 2007 ; Paavolainen et al., 1999 ; Saunders et al., 2004a ; Saunders et al...